Organic Gardening
Very few hobbies are as peaceful and rewarding as gardening. Gardening enthusiasts view it as a creative outlet in which they color their backyard in lush vegetation and bright flowers. Growing dazzling flowers, foliage, fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs can be accomplished in suburban backyards, large acres of farmland, or even the limited space of urban apartments.
How you decorate your garden, backyard and home exterior is only limited to your imagination. Your garden and how you choose to enhance it are reflections of your taste and personality.
Gardening Supplies
Beautiful gardens take a lot of work, all year round. Equip yourself with all the necessary gardening supplies for a bountiful vegetable harvest or a dazzling and bright flower garden. Garden supplies like compost bins and outdoor thermometers help you better manage the daily activities involved with appropriate plant care.
Garden Furniture
Your garden or backyard is the perfect location to sit back and relax. This requires comfortable yet stylish outdoor garden furniture. Adorn your garden with benches, Adirondack chairs, chaise loungers and ottomans for an inviting and relaxing feel.
Garden Ornaments
Garden ornaments and garden decor accessories transform your garden by adding the final touches to an already stunning and beautiful floral environment. Garden decorations can be functional, such as outdoor clocks, and others can be ornamental, like garden arches. Outdoor ornaments, like a garden trellis or a garden obelisk, complete and compliment the overall design, look, and feel of your home.
There is nothing quite like watching your seedlings become beautiful, healthy plants. Get outside and enjoy the warm sunshine as you eagerly wait for your flowers, plants and vegetables to bloom and grow.
Organic Gardening Geoff Hamilton
Organic Gardening, a classic guide to growing flowers, fruit, and vegetables the natural, chemical-free way has been fully revised and updated to reflect the latest thinking and techniques. Written by one of the UK’s best-loved gardening personalities and a keen advocate of the organic approach, this book will be appreciated by the novice and the experienced gardener alike. Whether you want to grow better-tasting fruit and vegetables untainted by chemicals, find natural methods of pest and weed control, or create a garden that is safer for your children, pets and wildlife, Organic Gardening is your practical, easy-to-follow guide to gardening with, rather than against, nature.
With practical advice and instructions, supported by clear, step-by-step photographs and artworks, the author explains how to grow delicious, healthy produce as well as how to turn your garden into a safe haven for children, pets, and wildlife. The book promotes an organic approach to the whole garden, and includes practical techniques for cultivating flowers, trees, and shrubs, as well as advice on ponds and aquatic plants. Organic methods of weed control and solutions to pest and disease problems are also fully explained and clearly illustrated. Contents include: soil improvement; organic pest & disease control; weed control; hedges, trees & shrubs; containers; the vegetable garden; the fruit garden; herbs; greenhouse gardening; basic techniques; propagation; the gardening year.
The Truth About Organic Gardening Benefits, Drawbacks, and the Bottom Line Jeff Gillman
Gardeners tend to assume that any organic product is automatically safe for humans and beneficial to the environment—and in most cases this is true. The problem, as Jeff Gillman points out in this fascinating, well-researched book, is that it is not always true, and the exceptions to the rule can pose a significant threat to human health.
To cite just one example, animal manures in compost can be a source of harmful E. coli contamination if imporperly treated. Gillman’s contention is that all gardening products and practices—organic and synthetic—need to be examined on a case-by-case basis to determine both whether they are safe and whether they accomplish the task for which they are intended. Ultimately, Gillman concludes, organic methods are preferable in most situations that gardeners are likely to encounter. After reading this eye-opening book, you will understand why, and why knowledge is the gardener’s most important tool.
Organic Vegetable Growing Robert Milne
Growing your own organic vegetables will give you fresher, tastier and more nutritious produce with no food miles, fossil fuel use or packaging; and will provide you with the simple but enormous pleasure and satisfaction of supplying at least part of your own food requirements. This authoritative book provides detailed, practical guidance for those who wish to make the most of their time and whatever area of ground is available to grow vegetables the organic way.
It looks forward to productive gardening becoming increasingly relevant and necessary as we are obliged to adapt to global trends, including climate change and diminishing oil resources that will adversely affect food production. The techniques described are applicable to any scale of gardening and are based on the author’s thirty years of organic gardening experience, including twenty years of self-sufficiency and eight as a professional gardener growing vegetables and fruit in walled gardens.